Κonstantina Kastellou

Konstantina Kastellou was born in Thessaloniki. Since the beginning of her classical dance education Judith Neil has been her mentor. Konstantina graduated from the Higher Professional School of Dance “Andromachi Kafantari” and obtained a degree with honors from the Higher School of Dramatic Art of Yiorgos Rontidis (2004). After that she obtained a Master’s degree in choreography from the Higher Dance Academy “Palucca Schule Dresden” in Germany (2006). She is member of the Royal Academy of Dancing and won the first prize in the competition “Panhellenic Artistic Games” for the category “Modern Dance'' (1998).      

In her appearances on stages of scenes and theaters, such as Volksbühne Berlin, Labortheater Dresden, Kleine Szene Dresden, Thessaloniki Concert Hall, National Theatre of Nothern Greece, Vrysaki-Art and Action Hall, Roes Theatre, she collaborated as choreographer, dancer, and actress with the following directors: Nicolas Trees, Joel Lauwers, Renatta Scotto, Paul Emil Fourny, Andreas Voutsinas, Yiannis Iordanidis, Nikos Diamantis, Tasos Ratzos, Damianos Konstantinidis, Nikos Charalambous, as well as with the choreographers: Matilde Rubio, Yoshiko Waki, Jana Ressel, Sebastien Borde, Dimitra Kastellou (2001-10). With the 6daEXIt Improvisation Ensemle, she collaborated as performer in graphic and verbal score repertoire, including pieces by John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Alexis Porfiriadis etc.

As a founding member of the Marotte Performing Arts Company she presents atmospheric projects with physical body disposition and a strong cinematographic element, thereby putting her personal stamp in festivals, such as “Internationale Tanzwoche Dresden”, “Sonnenball Festival”, “Tanzherbst Festival”, “10th Festival of Greek Choreographers”, “Dance Month Appointment with Body”, “Let’s Dance” (2005-2012). By participating in various seminars on topics, such as: Contact Improvisation, Forsythe Technic, Laban Technic, Wow-technic-voice release, Elements of Choreography, Classical Ballet, Flamenco, and Physical Theatre, Konstantina has gained more experience and acquired creative contact to the following: Tanztheater Wuppertal, William Forsythe, Ingo Reulecke, Charles Linehan, Kalina Bogoeva, Tania Ivanova Miltenova Stoupel, Wanda Golonka, Guy Cools, Stavros Yiangoulis, Athina Vachla, Konstantinos Michos, Stathis Livathinos, National Theatre Summer Academy, Maria del Transito, and Marco Jimenez.

Moreover, Konstantina has been working since 2011 at the Directorate of Secondary Education as a teacher of Artistic Education.